Samyang 12mm SAMPLE PHOTOS finally!
I was lucky enough to test the brand new Samyang 12mm f/2.0 wide angle lens for Sony NEX. This lens is so compact!
I've got some samples for you (taken with a 16mpix NEX5N):
The lens has a remarkable resolution. It is sharp at f/2.0, at f/8 it is razor sharp. It would be a good idea to test this lens on a camera that has more than 16Mpix resolution (my camera).
It is sharper than my Tokina 12-24 I have been which is a pretty damn sharp lens. Like the Tokina (or even more than the Tokina) it has considerable colour aberration around the edges - however I didn't have any trouble correcting it with a few clicks in the ACR.
Some full 16mpix resolution samples (aberration corrected):
Sample with an uncorrected aberration issue in the trees:
Unfortunately most ultra wide angle lenses have this issue. Luckily it is easy to fix nowadays so no problem there!